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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Baltimore On Track For Record Homicides As City Descends Into Chaos

So here we go again, another depressing story from Baltimore City, a region that is imploding on itself and suffering from a murders crisis, opioid epidemic, a wide gap in wealth/health/education inequalities, and deindustrialization.

In this report, we're only going to focus on the murder crisis and gently touch on the opioid epidemic (because they go hand in hand), however, please search our archives for other stories on Baltimore, because the implosion there is what will be coming to many other inner cities across the country in the 2020s.

With that being said, Baltimore City could be on track to surpass last year's 309 homicides, and if current trends persist, there is a chance that homicides could hit a record high, which means the city could see 342, a level that was previously set in 2015 and 2017.



  1. Charm City under Republican rule--Thug City under democrat rule smh

  2. Go Baltimore, become #1!

  3. I think they can reach their goal if they implement the bullet exchange program

  4. Elijah Cummings is to busy with a much more serious threat of CLIMATE CRISIS.

  5. Some enterprising individual should set up protected bus tours of Baltimore's worst places, with a tour guide listing deaths and other tidbits block by block.

  6. This is what happens when you allow the animals to run the zoo!
    Baltimore used to be a place to be proud of, now it is a place you don't want to say you are from. I know friends who will quickly say, I live in Baltimore county and not Baltimore City!

  7. Entropy.

    Greatly accelerated by idiot liberals who don't seem to be able to think, add/subtract, or follow any form of logical reasoning.

    It ain't going to get any better.

    Buy guns.

  8. Those gun bans work great dont they?

  9. Hogan is to busy allowing Democrats have their way and criticizing Trump and the Republicans instead of doing his job. Elijah Cummings is to busy being biased attempting to be to destroy all Republicans. These are Cummings "home boys" so he will do nothing to ruin his reelection and kick backs from the gangs drug dealings. Mike Miller and the Maryland Legislature will do nothing since they want to make the entire State a sanctuary State that will have no Republicans in elected office.

  10. the city that bleeds

  11. 2:08 bus tours are a great idea as everyone loves to see real life violent action,however those would have to be custom built buses with bullet proof sides and windows and also foam filled or solid rubber tires. Baltimore might actually make some money to help pay for all those illegals they are protecting.

  12. You have to admit, it's entertaining.

  13. NOBODY CARES. BALTIMORE IS A SHITHOLE. It's been a SHITHOLE for 20 years now and counting. Annapolis is well on its way as well. Montgomery county?? ENOUGH SAID. MARYLAND SUCKS!!

  14. Bingo 11:01 ditto.cant wait to sell and move out..md expects knee jerk reactions to any libtarded ideal that comes along to fix this states problem.problem is democrats dont fix anything...they destroy...im done


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