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Sunday, September 08, 2019

Are You A Victim Of Salisbury Mayor Jake Day's Delete Brigade?

People are growing tired of the Liberal Agenda Mayor Day continues to perform by deleting anyone who disagrees with him. The only friends he has left are employees and RINO's. When you delete friends you clearly have a lot to hide and you only leave an audience who will rubber stamp any and all decisions. It's time for new leadership.
By the way, it truly is a shame the Folk Festival will, (once again) be a wash out today but it looks like the skies will clear up for Saturday and Sunday. There's nothing worse then a wash out but hopefully things clear up, not too much flooding and the community has a great time the rest of the weekend. 


  1. Could rain all weekend and wash the whole thing right on down the river and wouldn't bother most of us.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I hope the liberal shit fest gets rained OUT.

  4. I'm really looking forward to attending the National Folk Festival. Last year our company sent volunteers to help set up, and we did the same yesterday. It was fun! It looks like it will rain until around 5pm tonight (Friday) and then start clearing off. Weather will be gorgeous Saturday and Sunday. I can't wait to see some of this year's performers. I think the slate they've assembled this year is actually going to be better than last year's. Jerry Douglas (14-time Grammy-winning "Dobro Master") plays Saturday at 2pm and 9:45pm. His work with Alison Krauss has been amazing. It's gonna be awesome to see and hear him live. In our downtown. FOR FREE. Ha.

    1. It is not free. They are asking for a $10 fee. (Per day) If everyone who comes, goes for free, the city of Salisbury will be broke.

  5. I can agree agree with the premise of the folk festival, however the current process does not work. A county city agrrement needs to be settled. Then as I recommended decades ago that civic center should be bulldozed and replaced with a multi tier parking lot. Then the old mall lot could be used as a venue to replace the civic center built to accommodate outdoor indoor entertainment a good draw for the area that's how we develop growth!

    1. The city does not own the old mall property and cannot dictate what goes there.

    2. Jake Day says that downtown Salisbury is privately owned as well and the city has nothing to do with who builds there. I call bs.

  6. This horrible traffic jam brought to you exclusively by Mayor Day. https://imgur.com/a/YiQfiHu

    Side note: someone should print these as signs and stick them up around downtown.

    1. Mayor Day says there was no traffic jam and anybody that says so is a liar and a troll. The man has his priorities and the people who live and work in Salisbury aren't on his to-do list. Anybody who believes he is for the poor,the homeless, black people or senior citizens is a bigger idiot than he is.

    2. Waverly Drive is an abomination!

  7. Well if he deletes anything you say on the city social media pages, you CAN SUE THEM, and WIN... The precedent has already been set for other people who sued and won against cities who delete their post off of the cities Facebook or web pages or media pages, all becasue it favors officials badly is not a legal reason to delete them... So if I were you people, I would start recording or taking pictures or screen shots of you posting things, and then it being deleted...

    1. So true! This is against the freedom of information act and even jakes personal social media is included because he has represented himself as mayor

  8. Where else can you go to see big bands hockey games have a beer..re vamping the old mall lot would bring it to salisbury! the old mall site just SITS THERE!!! NEW jobs construction better venues, hotels, food, a win win.Thats something i could support with my tax dollars..not this folk fest garbage...

  9. What was more depressing this morning, the traffic snarl or the filthy homeless wandering around in the rain in between cars near the Red Light District store. God, I hate this town.

  10. We needed the rain.

  11. Well, I just told him my home health nurse couldn't get here because of the traffic and he called her and I both liars and publicly called me a troll on Facebook.

    1. So sorry. Hope you are ok.

    2. Thank you. I'm fine. She was just here.

  12. just who would be a friend on gay book anyway. most f...uped social media .
    people you have to get a life and get off facebook

    1. You're absolutely right 10:05 and I just did exactly that.


  13. I'm really looking forward to attending the National Folk Festival. Last year our company sent volunteers to help set up, and we did the same yesterday. It was fun! It looks like it will rain until around 5pm tonight (Friday) and then start clearing off. Weather will be gorgeous Saturday and Sunday. I can't wait to see some of this year's performers. I think the slate they've assembled this year is actually going to be better than last year's. Jerry Douglas (14-time Grammy-winning "Dobro Master") plays Saturday at 2pm and 9:45pm. His work with Alison Krauss has been amazing. It's gonna be awesome to see and hear him live. In our downtown. FOR FREE. Ha.

    September 6, 2019 at 8:45 AM

  14. Anonymous said...
    I can agree agree with the premise of the folk festival, however the current process does not work. A county city agrrement needs to be settled. Then as I recommended decades ago that civic center should be bulldozed and replaced with a multi tier parking lot. Then the old mall lot could be used as a venue to replace the civic center built to accommodate outdoor indoor entertainment a good draw for the area that's how we develop growth!

    September 6, 2019 at 8:47 AM

    WTF has this/your opinion got to do with the Folk Festival?

  15. Anonymous said...
    I can agree agree with the premise of the folk festival, however the current process does not work. A county city agrrement needs to be settled. Then as I recommended decades ago that civic center should be bulldozed and replaced with a multi tier parking lot. Then the old mall lot could be used as a venue to replace the civic center built to accommodate outdoor indoor entertainment a good draw for the area that's how we develop growth!

    September 6, 2019 at 8:47 AM

    Only a retard would bulldoze a perfectly good building.

  16. Sharon E Walton said...
    Well, I just told him my home health nurse couldn't get here because of the traffic and he called her and I both liars and publicly called me a troll on Facebook.

    September 6, 2019 at 9:59 AM

    Sharon, I thought you and Jakey Boi were best buddies?

    1. What can I say? You live and learn.

  17. He hasn't deleted me but I am sick and tired of him coming on my page with his rabid followers and attacking me. This guy is a serious mental case. And so are his Progressive friends.

  18. Sharon E Walton said...
    Well, I just told him my home health nurse couldn't get here because of the traffic and he called her and I both liars and publicly called me a troll on Facebook.

    September 6, 2019 at 9:59 AM

    Sharon Walton where can we find that he called you a liar?

    1. I would be happy to show you but he has deleted it. You either believe me or you don't. Won't be the first time today I was called a liar.

  19. well heck Caroline arent you in charge of the Folk Festival

  20. I too am in agreement with the premise of a folk festival but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to absolutely KNOW without any doubts Salisbury is NOT the place to hold it. No one can deny with a straight face and honesty that Sby officials aren't exactly brain trusts much less competent for even considering something so to put it nicely impractical for the area. The festival is going to have less attendance then last years dismal numbers. You can bet on that. That Day and the rest of them can so easily be taken for fools should concern everyone. They fall for every scam and scheme touted to them This is due to a lack of any intelligence, having zero common sense and not getting off the Shore much and seeing how it is in the real world.

  21. jakie was in a pissin match with some brewington guy and I said on brewingtons page that I was uncomfortable with jakies tone and jake trolled brewingtons page and blocked me because of that.

    I wasnt rude, I didnt curse, I simply stated I didnt like his tone.

    That my friends is how messed up this guy is.

  22. Super event. Full of cultural diversity. Salisbury is the perfect location for this event. Many people from out of town supported the event last year. I suspect the same support will be there this year.

  23. Is Berlin hosting a bluegrass/country music event today too? I think I rather go there than downtown Salisbury.

  24. 3:19-Taxes,water and sewer control and zoning dictates what goes there and the city decides THAT.


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