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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Another WaPo Pollaganda Whopper

Imagine, if you will, what the American political landscape would look like if our national mainstream-media outlets were actually neutral in their reporting — conducting themselves as journalists rather than ranting political puppets. It would look much more like what our Founders intended — a nation where protecting Liberty and the Rule of Law enshrined in our Republic’s founding documents was chief among the concerns of our people.

Unfortunately, we have ventured far from that landscape today, largely because of the influence of an unethical and prejudiced mass media.

In a single headline and its opening paragraph this week, The Washington Post provided the most blatant example of that subversive corruption I have seen this year — a case study of what we have defined as the “Pollaganda Effect.”

If you recently joined the ranks of our American Patriot readers, or even if you’re a seasoned veteran, allow me to share with you a couple definitions.

“Pollaganda” is a word we created to describe the most egregious Demo/MSM propaganda machine abuse of the First Amendment. It is defined as follows:

Pollaganda n. 1. mainstream media (MSM) polling used to manipulate public opinion and advance a particular bias. 2. Outcome-based polling; instruments designed to generate a preferential outcome, which can be used to manipulate public opinion by advancing the perception that a particular issue, individual, or group has a majority of public favor or disfavor. 3. A “dezinformatsiya” (disinformation) campaign of political polling used for propaganda; polling masquerading as “objective journalism” designed to advance a liberal bias.

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