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Monday, September 16, 2019

Analysis: Media United in Abortion Support

The American public is evenly divided on the issue of abortion, but the nation's newsrooms are nearly unanimous in their support for abortion on demand, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

The spread of pro-life legislation in red states and the proliferation of late-term abortion laws in New York, Vermont, and Illinois in 2018 and 2019 have prompted numerous editorials supporting the agenda of abortionists. According to a Washington Free Beacon review of dozens of articles written by local and national editorial boards—which represent the official opinion of a newspaper—the Augusta Chronicle in Georgia was the only paper to endorse a bill restricting abortion when a human heartbeat is detectable.

A total of 21 papers from 12 different states condemned heartbeat bills, which are set to go into effect in Georgia and Missouri in 2019. Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, and Ohio also signed heartbeat bills into law. Alabama banned abortion in all stages of pregnancy, except for when the mother's life is in danger.



  1. Lucifer has allot of democrats on his payroll along with their mouthpieces

  2. it's not just the media it's the democrat party. so next time you here them crying about the nra or how their next idea ... it's for the children know they are full of shit! they are the party of killing children!

  3. I'm not against abortion I'm against government funded abortion and abortion after the first trimester. I'm in favor of government funded birth control it would save the tax payers billions of dollars.


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