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Monday, September 30, 2019

A Viewer Writes........I hope Mr. King wins

I know you and I don't see eye to eye on all the issues.

But I just had a home visit with Wayne King and Michelle Neal Bradley. Mr. King is a very nice man and he cares about alot of the same things I do. I have been voicing my support for him on social media and he paid me a visit. I was shocked. It's my birthday.

Ok,so maybe I am a libtard. 😔

But not ALL the time on every issue. I support Mr. King because he's concerned about ALL the people of Salisbury.

I was honored by his visit and his reaching out to other residents of Riverside Homes. Jake Day claims he's been here a dozen times. He must be the Flash because nobody here has ever seen him.

Just because somebody is a conservative republican doesn't make them against poor people. I found that out today. I am hopeful for the future and I hope Mr. King wins.


  1. Careful what you wish for. I remember people saying the same about Day. Look what we have? But no matter who gets ELECTED. The citizens of Salisbury will just BITCH and CRY about them. Shorebillies are the embarrassing reason we can't get ahead. The lie and spread innuendos about EVERYONE.

  2. 3:33 PM if you ain't happy here why don't you just pack up and go back where you came from.

    1. I tell you why 5:55, because they won't be happy until they make here just like where they came from

  3. You exaggerate we have not complained about all our Mayors and have not complained about all our Governors either. Jake just doesn't think like an adult the dreams he has of another Inner Harbor are ludicrous, he cares about trying to make us a tourist spot which we are not. He's all in to bars and parties and some of us are not teenagers we are adults who just want the city cleaned up most of all crime, jobs and prosperity for our citizens. Things like fixing the roads, tearing down the foreclosed, abandoned, and neglected properties. Checking the rental properties and the slumlords here. Fixing up old nasty businesses and either cleaning them, paint, or demolish them. More police and if improvements are needed for our police and fire department try grants so everything doesn't come from the tax payers. If we clean the city up we will bring more business and more money. A good thing would be to attract more retirees who have the time to enjoy life in a smaller city and care about paying things forward attitudes. Focus on a hometown feel, get back to the basics and the obtainable.

    1. Why does it always have to be "more"

    2. And this is why,as a democratic, I'm voting for Wayne King,a Republican.

  4. What did Michelle have to say?


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