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Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Double Work is Costly

In front of City Hall (community Stage at Folk Festival). This picture was taken yesterday. It looked this way approximately 1 month ago for the Festival they had to cover this up and then dig it up again. I wonder how much the double work cost?


  1. How much did it cost? About double what Jake will admit to.

  2. I thought the same thing. I had to go to the Wicomico County Government Office Building the Tuesday right after the Foke Festival and had to take a detour because I couldn't get through Main Street and I thought WTF!! Everyone thought it was all done.

    This proves how fake Jake is.

  3. Jake is so so fake and I'm so sick of this torn up town. Rt. 13 south will absolutely tear your vehicle up trying to navigate on this road. So stupid how much time anything in Salisbury takes to fix. Downtown is just absolutely ridiculous. Jake thinks nobody notices when things have to be done 2 and 3 times over again.

  4. My question is, what was need to be fixed that required the closing in the first place?


  5. It's no problem the city has plenty of $ to burn ,after all important things are always looked over for the dog and pony shows like the Festival. Us tax payers pay for all the bad ideas, Rt 13 still looks like Deliverance only worse, Main Street still isn't completed and never will be, the rusty Ampitheatre signs still loom in front of a row of dead pine trees, the city buildings along Rt 13 North look as nasty as they did before the Festival. We still have a cockroach motel on the left, multiple tire stores and piles of smelly tires, vacated buildings, and those that haven't been painted or repairs in the last 50 years. A mural that they think takes away the ghetto look of Salisbury. Yeah Jake you have done great things for Salisbury, just can't think of one good thing!

  6. That is the point you obtuse clowns... And mark my words, and I said it to everyone... Once the last folk festival is done and over with, never to return, they will stop improvements... and this shitty city will restart its fall to crap again...

  7. Its been going on for 5 years and no end in sight.

  8. When I was a kid the streets in Salisbury were just streets that handled multiple times the traffic that currently exists downtown.No planters,no decorative crap whatsoever.It was all business.When someone wanted to see plants and flowers they took a drive in the country.Even though cars were a lot bigger then they still had ample room to drive and ample parking.

  9. Double work costs = (work cost X 2). There I did the math for you. LOL

  10. But Jake has $$ for rainbow crosswalks.

  11. 9:19 What improvements are you talking about their hasn't been one. The list of failures or some are the plastic things in the roads to designate where the fire hydrants are, the chain link fences that are such an eyesore, the Ampitheatre signs, bike paths, painted side walks, orange bicycles, round a bouts, a mural on an abandoned building, foreclosed and abandoned houses, money not paid to construction companies, 3rd Fridays of all the city drunks on the downtown plaza, a 13 floor high rise hotel for college students?, 2 Festivals in debt and another one to come, the fence removed around Riverwalk so more dead floaters can be found and no follow up, crime that is worse than ever, SPD calls for service changed to flags on maps instead of real transparency, like the State Police and Sheriffs office still have, the moment Jake came into office he stopped the Mayors Round Table doesn't want neighborhoods and police to meet. A chief of police that is known as CHIEF HUG A THUG". What more damage can Jake do in one term?

  12. Still have the safety cones blocking the never used bike lanes on Waverly. Have seen bikes on the sidewalks but not in the bike lanes. Also somehow manage to get stuck at the top of the hill waiting for the light at Carroll street almost every day I come into town that way. Thought the stupid roundabout construction was to start 9/15- nothing yet.

  13. Has Anyone seen the 'signage' along Rt. 13 highlighting the 'salisbury amphitheater'???? Good Grief it is UGLY; what's with that?


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