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Monday, September 23, 2019

'A blunt remedy': Adam Schiff threatens to defund intel community over Ukraine whistleblower

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff threatened to defund the intelligence community if his committee is not provided with the whistleblower complaint regarding President Trump's interactions with Ukraine.

A whistleblower complaint alleging Trump improperly made a "promise" with Ukrainian officials has lately dominated the news cycle, and additional reporting has suggested that Trump urged the foreign government to investigate his potential 2020 opponent Joe Biden.

Schiff appeared on CNN's State of the Union Sunday morning, during which host Jake Tapper asked him if he'd be willing to hold up funding for the intel community to see the full complaint.

"It depends on what funds we withhold," Schiff replied. "In this case, you have the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that is withholding this complaint in violation of the clear letter of the law ... And there are funding requests that that office makes that don’t go directly to national security that we can withhold."



  1. Schiff better wake up!
    We all know what happened to idiot JFK after he threatened intelligence.

    Intelligence works directly for the bankers with no middle men. It runs the government, not the other way around.

  2. Do it shifty, make a huuuugggeee deal out of this so the truth about Hillary and the Ukrainians and Biden and the Ukrainians stays in the spotlight for a long time

  3. Schiff is an enemy of the State he should be investigated and then charged with treason.


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