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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Younger Workers Report Biggest Gains in Happiness With Pay

The share of American workers satisfied with their paychecks rose last year, and “the biggest leap came from millennials and Generation Z, whose enthusiasm for their compensation shot from 36% in 2017 to nearly 46% a year later,” Lauren Weber reports forThe Wall Street Journal.

“In all, nearly 54% of U.S. workers said they were satisfied with their jobs in 2018, the highest share reported in more than two decades.”

Click here to read more.
President Donald J. Trump canceled a planned trip to Poland this weekend “to remain stateside as a potentially major hurricane takes aim at Florida,” Caitlin Oprysko reports forPolitico. “'It's something very important for me to be here,” the President said, adding that he wants “to ensure that all resources of the federal government are focused on the arriving storm.” Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Poland in President Trump’s place.
“Two years ago, former FBI Director James Comey came out with a book that celebrated himself as a paragon of ‘ethical leadership,’” George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley writes in The Hill. “If that is the case, the new Justice Department inspector general report released on Thursday establishes that Comey is the very antithesis of the ethical leader he described. Comey was found to have violated both federal law and regulations for his own gain, and he made critical decisions that put personal over institutional interests.”
Ever since President Trump insisted that China halt exports of illicit opioids to the United States, the flow of lethal fentanyl-style drugs coming to America from China has collapsed, David Fickling writes for Bloomberg. “It could be that 2019 is the year when the U.S. finally started to turn the tide in the opium war,” he says. “What’s more, the success may be coming as a result of that most improbable activity, cooperation between the U.S. and Chinese governments.”
“To say that many liberal elites have all but given up on educating low-income minorities might seem like an overstatement. But when you consider the state of public education in our inner cities, and the priorities of those in charge, it’s hard to draw any other conclusion,” Jason Riley writes in The Wall Street Journal. The racial achievement gap is a main driver of inequality in New York City, for example, where Democrat Mayor Bill De Blasio is looking to shut down the charter schools where mostly low-income students have passage rates of greater than 90 percent for math and English.


  1. Yes, the 18 to 25 year old prostitutes are making more than the older ones. This is a no brainer really, would you rather have sex with A Juliann Hough look-a-like or a Nancy Palosi?

  2. It's AMAZING that we have these nut jobs from the DNC that are still promising to RAISE everyones taxes and give everything that we pay for away to everyone else for FREE. I think the next Democratic debate should be hosted by the Cartoon Channel (CN).

    Is everyone high or what?

  3. I haven't had a real raise in 6 years, they claim I have reached the pay cap. Yes I've been here for 25 years, but $33 a hour is hardly enough to live on in this day of age.


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