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Thursday, August 08, 2019

You Can 'Major' In Social Justice At This Nearly $70,000/Year California College

Dominican University in California has added a new major, wholly focused on social justice that will begin accepting students in the fall.

The school created the major after a “growing number” of students became interested in social justice careers, according to a university news release. Dominican will be combining courses from its minors entitled “Performing Arts and Social Change” and “Community Action and Social Change” for the major.

Students who major in social justice will have the chance to “examine the links between well-being, social justice, and diverse worldviews.”

Additionally, students will “analyze social injustices and work toward positive social change.”

The major starts off with a class titled “Theory and Practice for Community Action and Social Change,” which “provides foundational frameworks for analyzing oppression, power, and privilege.”

Other courses that students can take range from “Prophets, Psalms, & Social Justice” to “Liberation Theologies.”



  1. I can't wait to meet theses SJW on the battle field.

    1. OATH KEEPERS ... we do not like PALSAugust 8, 2019 at 10:32 PM

      They are tight here in Salisbury

      Jake Day, Josh Hastings, John Wright , Olsen ,

      and a bunch of other Wacs

  2. "Social Justice" major...also known as UNEMPLOYED


  3. All incoming freshmen will take a brief seminar "How to Flush $280,000 Down The Drain" before selecting minors in 'Shoe Sales' or 'Drive Thru Window Operation'.

  4. Will Kathy Griffin and those other Trump-derangement syndrome, unfunny comics get teaching gigs?

  5. Well Bernie Sanders, Jake Day, Jared Schablein, Jake Burdette, Michele Gregory and Dan O'Hare will be taking that major when we start giving everyone "Free Tuition."


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