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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Woman angry at Biden buys $500,000 in ads against him

A wealthy private citizen named Shirley Shawe has purchased $500,000 in ad time in early-voting states to slam Joe Biden over a business dispute that negatively affected her son's company years ago. The ad, which has little to do with 2020 issues, instead focuses on a bit of business arcana, the Delaware Chancery Court system, which was formed to adjudicate business disputes involving Delaware-based corporations.

"The Delaware court is too male, too white and anything but open," the ad's narrator says of court system.

The ad, shown here, bashes the Chancery Court and ties Biden to them, highlighting snippets of a 14-minute exchange in a 2005 Senate hearing between then-Senator Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren, who was a Harvard law professor at the time. Shawe's ad accuses Biden of corruptly defending the system as Warren attacks it.



  1. Wish I had money to buy Ads sure U could come up with something !

  2. Well something was working for her and her son if the had that cash to throw away ? She should be thankful she has a 500,000.00 opinion.

  3. Hahaha, boy this loser just can't get a break. He's his own worse enemy.

  4. They should donate that money to help build the fence.


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