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Friday, August 16, 2019

Why is the presidential field so old?

Here are the ages the top presidential candidates will be on Inauguration Day, 2021: Bernie Sanders, 79; Joe Biden, 78; Donald Trump, 74; and Elizabeth Warren, 71.

If Sanders were elected and served two terms, he would be in office until age 87. If Biden did the same, he would serve until 86. If President Trump were reelected, he would serve until 78. If Warren served two terms, she would be 79.

There has never been a moment in American history in which so many of the top contenders for the presidency have been so old. There has never even been a time when two candidates over 70 ran against each other in a general election.



  1. Very sad indeed! My take, both parties are truly punting until 2024 for the youthful generation.

  2. Because these people are the only relevant dumbocrats, and they were most recently relevant 40 years ago.

  3. Because other than the military, we have never seen so few younger people striving for the betterment of the nation. Now, I know that is a generalization and that there are individuals who stand out, but we do not have governors, congresspeople or senators who have a national standing. In particular, we need governors to step up. Congresspeople and Senators just do not have experience in governing or handling budgets or large scale crisis.

  4. You're all wrong. The answer is that people simply live longer and carry their knowledge and skills to a later age. The opposite spectrum are these a$$holes who are too naive and stupid not to realize the downside of socialism because they simply have no real world experience beyond bubble gum.

  5. Because in the 60's the boomer generation said that when they took control of the government that they would fix things and make the world right. 40 years of control and failure they figure this is their last chance to get it right.

    1. Yea and they come here and gripe all day instead of fixing anything

  6. Social Security Medicare and Medicaid is socialism. I would prefer not to contribute and invest my own money in my future and not paying for loosers that had no jobs with benefits investments or savings and just hung on the tit believing in rewards in their twilight dwindling years. Return to Social Darwinism and natural selection. It's a game of the smartest the fittest and most resilient. Boohoo on you if your poor and irresponsible and compulsive victims of base corporal pleasures of the flesh. You should have greater self respect and awareness. I don't think I should pay for your faith failures and misgivings.

  7. I agree somewhat with the "longer life" theory posted here.
    But I truly believe that it is due to social media, and the current atmosphere of someone finding SOMETHING in your past to throw back at you.
    I have absolutely NO doubt that in the not-too-far future, a candidate will have his Facebook of his youth published for all to see.
    Nobody wants to go through that, and they won't.

    1. I agree 100% 1:49
      Journalists will dredge up the whole life from birth till present, looking for dirt, of anyone willing to help a community, city, state, country, all the way to the presidency. Journalists and lawyers are being mass produced by over priced institutions are the scum of the earth


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