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Friday, August 23, 2019

Why does alcohol make you gain weight?

Health experts have revealed the real reasons why drinking alcohol can lead to unexpected calories - and it's not just due to 'sugary' mixed drinks and 'high carb' beer.

Alcohol alone contains seven calories per gram so even if you choose 'low carb' and 'low sugar' drink options, you're still consuming empty calories that do nothing for your body nutritionally.

The body also processes alcohol differently to other drinks, so you're far more likely to store calories from food while drinking than you are at other times.



  1. When it comes to metabolizing food and alcohol, alcohol cuts into the front of the line every time because your body wants to get the poison out first.

  2. 11:10 digestion and detoxification occur simultaneously

  3. Your liver is enlarged. It's not just weight gain. This is where you get the term "beer belly"

  4. Same goes for sugar and carbs. Poison goes first...


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