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Saturday, August 31, 2019

WALSH: A Female Soccer Player Says She ‘Definitely’ Could Play In The NFL. No, She Definitely Couldn't.

At the same time that two professional football players leave the sport in the prime of their careers because their bodies can't handle the abuse anymore, a woman is planning her grand entrance. U.S. women's national soccer team star Carli Lloyd — a 140-pound, 38-year-old female — says she is considering allegedly serious offers from various NFL teams. These offers were supposedly prompted by a viral video of Lloyd successfully completing a 55-yard field goal at a Philadelphia Eagles practice. With one good field goal under her belt, she feels ready to jump into a sport where the average player outweighs her by 100 pounds and stands about five inches taller. Despite that significant disadvantage, Lloyd says she "definitely could" compete in the league.

Leftist media have predictably gushed over this news. ThinkProgress proclaimed that a female field goal kicker "would be representing women everywhere who are trying to break through barriers." The Washington Post hailed Lloyd's "brawny confidence." The Guardian excitedly wondered whether the soccer player might finally break the "glass ceiling" that has heretofore prevented women from suiting up on game day. To that point, Lloyd would certainly break something on an NFL field — but it won't be any ceiling.



  1. She would get her back broken, become paralyzed, then sue everyone envolved, from the nfl, the officials, and right on down to the players

  2. Good luck with it then
    I won't be watching anyway and don't really care either

  3. So she thinks they'll be allowed free field goals and points after with attempt at defense I suppose. Har-de-har-har!


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