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Friday, August 09, 2019

Unconstitutional, Tyrannical Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws Are Coming Fast

Within minutes of the tragic mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, gun control fanatics were predictably not letting a crisis go to waste by calling for extreme measures of gun control. The usual suspects were at it – Soros organizations, MSM, left-wing extremists, and Democratic Party members – but, interestingly enough, they were joined by many Republican lawmakers as well. While Lindsey Graham, a Senator who has scarcely seen a right in the Bill of Rights he hasn’t wanted to carve up for dinner, is no shocker, others in staunchly red states have also joined the call for stricter gun control measures.

Most surprising, however, is that President Donald Trump has jumped on the bandwagon, calling for “red flag laws” among other egregious measures to deal with the recent spate of shootings in the United States.

The response from Trump’s base has been a mix of personality cult support and virulent opposition, hinting that Trump, if he goes forward with his “red flag” proposal, could be shooting himself in the foot for 2020. After the last few years, it is clear that nothing Trump could ever do would convince a leftist to vote for him. However, he can convince his own supporters to stay home in 2020 and that appears to be what is going to happen if he doesn’t quickly pull an about-face in the manner that he has done in the past in regards to many of his positive attempts to govern (Syria, Afghanistan, etc.).



  1. This IS about to get ugly

    1. How so? Cops don’t want to take your firearms because it requires days of paperwork. They will go to great lengths to avoid it. Judge signs paper work to take guns until evaluation is done then so be it cops will take them and get logged into property after certified copy on each firearm is done. Not understanding the problem?? States like Maryland and NY have had it in play for years. Mostly used in protective orders...

    2. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my Brothers

  2. Gun owners need to check into a "gun trust" for protection. I did and used an NRA recommended Lawyer Stouffer on the western shore. There is none on the Eastern Shore that is familiar with a "gun trust".

  3. Red Flag Laws will not be specific and open totally to interpretation. Look at what the FBI done under Mueller. Leave my legal guns alone and make the "mental health" reporting and enforcement stricter and mandatory.

  4. " From these cold dead hands " I really miss Chuck. He understood what we are up against.

  5. Sheriff Lewis are you enforcing this ? I HOPE NOT.

  6. Good People Are NOT giving them up >> Period !!!

  7. No one wants your guns. Some guns should be strictly controlled. I thought red flags reference some action or words by someone that would indicate a public threat. Don't vote for Trump and you will be cutting off your nose to spite your face when the Dems take over you won't be allowed to own a toy gun. Think about it.

  8. If Trump supports this and it passes He has lost my vote. I will stay home on election day.

    1. If we lose trump as president, we lose a whole lot more of unseen freedom


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