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Friday, August 02, 2019

Tulsi For The Win!


  1. Thank you for some truth, Mr. Dice! (Yeah, it's sometimes over the top, but truth it is!_

  2. Joe, thanks for coming and thanks particularly for being the one Obama-era frailty that gives us no choice but to make a better choice!

  3. If she is pro life I’m for her but being a democrat she’s probably not.

  4. I don’t care what she is running as - she is hot! A very sexy, classy lady. Just saying...

    1. 555

      that's a sex changed dude man

  5. Really good. Enjoyed that.

  6. 5:55 You are a good example of what is wrong with this country now, voting for someone because they are "hot" or will give you the most "free" stuff, etc. That's how Obama got put in office with his empty promises of free stuff. You vote on their policy, not their "hotness".

  7. Just an FYI - I am 5:55 pm
    I made the comment that I think Tulsi is an attractive, sexy and classy woman. That’s it. I never once stated that I would vote for her. No where in my comments did I even allude to that. I am President Trump 100% all day long but it is a shame when someone has to be ripped up for making a comment for something they didn’t actually say. I always thought it was just the Left haters that did that, not us. That’s disappointing...


  8. Compared to the rest of the crowd she's attractive. Low bar to cross. But far more important is what's inside her noggin, and that's just the regular Democrat mush and poison. Trojan horse. Hawaii is deepest blue and she would never have been elected without pledging her soul to the party bosses.

    Drain the swamp.

    1. She turned me off when she said Trump was helping the Terrorists.


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