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Wednesday, August 14, 2019


President Trump may have laid to rest any concern he was going to enact gun control via a controversial “Red Flag” law when he slammed CNN anchor Chris Cuomo’s latest meltdown.

In a single tweet, the president seemed to highlight the dangers raised by gun rights advocates who’ve been warning that “Red Flag” laws set an unconstitutional precedent for gun confiscation.

Would Chris Cuomo be given a Red Flag for his recent rant? Filthy language and a total loss of control. He shouldn’t be allowed to have any weapon. He’s nuts!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 13, 2019
The so-called ‘Red Flag’ laws allow law enforcement to seize Americans’ guns if a court rules them at risk to themselves or others, a protocol that champions of the Constitution are slamming as a violation of the document.



  1. I was the one that originally said this on patriot soapbox )

  2. He didnt threaten use of a weapon. He threatened with his mouth....take away his 1st amendment, the right to free speech....or dosent that suit the narrative? Why threaten the God given Constitutional Rights of every man woman and child over dirt bags like this? Threatening to violate, change or dismantle the BOR is treasonous....an act of war against Americans. Its long past due to bring accountability to those making laws to subvert the Constitution.

    1. Was he wearing a pistol at the time? He was surrounded by personal security. Did they have pistols on? He threatened a class A felony in front of children. I want answers and full investigation

  3. Take Cuomo's weapons, since he threaten someone. Proves he is a danger to others. What will CNN do now? Will this idiot go on air and scream gun control? Will he be denied possession of weapons with this threat? Will he be denied any purchases in the future?

  4. total bullsh!t! if any right can be infringed on then every right can be infringed on by the government! complete and utter violation of the constitution. Only a matter of time until your free speech will be limited also! drug use, mental illness and lack of fathers standing up to their responsibilities are the main drivers of this problem. Go after them! Oh wait they already do! so now they will be coming for you!

  5. Cuomos is not normal. Normal people do not get themselves all whipped up in that out of control frenzy he got himself into over words. Could be on edge because you know that name may just come up in Epstein. He or his brother and even the dead father reek of being sick perverts.

  6. The government recognizes nobody’s “rights”

    Freedom is an illusion


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