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Saturday, August 03, 2019

Trump Supporters Push Back: ‘We Are All Tired Of Being Called Racists’

Following President Trump's packed-out rally of nearly 18,000 people in Ohio Thursday night, The Atlantic published a piece by Elaina Plott Friday addressing what the report suggests is an increasingly prominent sentiment among Trump supporters: "They are tired of being called racists."

After detailing Trump's recent criticisms of "The Squad" and Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings — which Democrats and their allies in the left-leaning media quickly branded "racist" — Plott presents a notable quote from Donald Trump Jr., who revved up the crowd Thursday in part by addressing the concerted effort to villify his father, and implictly his father's supporters. Racism is still an issue, Trump Jr. stressed, but the Left's habit of resorting to cries of "racism" makes a "mockery" of the term and ultimately "hurt[s] those that are actually afflicted by it."

"It's sad that using 'racism' has become the easy button of left-wing politics," the president's eldest son told the crowd overspilling the nearly 18,000-capacity U.S. Bank Arena Thursday. "...Because guess what? It still is an issue ... But by making a mockery of it by saying every time you can’t win a fight — 'Oh! We’re just gonna push the button! It’s racist' —you hurt those that are actually afflicted by it. People hear it, they roll their eyes, and they walk on. And that’s a disgrace, and that's what you’ve been given in the identity politics of the Left."



  1. Race card has been used so many times by the wackos. It has no effect or meaning...

  2. It's ALL COMING to an end. AFTER 70 years of black democrat politicians holding the white American hostage over their POOR, poor plight. Just to find out it was all a SCAM. NO MATTER WHAT THEY WANT OR WAS GIVEN. IT WOULD NEVER BE ENOUGH!!

  3. I for one am tired of the race baiting, name calling of everyone who disagrees with the left a RACIST. So sick of it in fact that I've starting throwing it back in their faces. Mostly on social media but given Maryland is a blue state I've had some face to face run ins. They are very surprised and offended to be called racist.
    YES, it has got to stop.

  4. Call me a racist enough and I become one.

  5. Time to take that RACE CARD Away !!!!

  6. WHITES need a RACE Card !!!! These Days

  7. Hell, WHITES are the new MINORITY !!!

    No Protections / NO Affirmative Action / No NAAWP !!!!

    Anyone can say whatever they want about them & Nothing
    happens !!! NO Equality

  8. What about WHite's History / WHite's CULTURE !!! ???

    They are treated like they Don't have any !!! & Don't matter

    Where is WHITE History Month ??? Dugh

  9. WET too !!! Not BET White-ish show etc


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