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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trump Strong at Summit

As President Trump left the United States last week to attend the G-7 economic summit, the American media and Democrat presidential candidates bashed the president as an embarrassment. One media outlet wrote that Trump was heading “into a summit of world leaders in an increasingly isolated position.”

But virtually everything about the news coverage is wrong. The United States has the world’s largest economy. As such, President Trump dominated the G-7 meeting.

For example, Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan held a surprise press conference announcing a major trade deal. Japan agreed to buy huge supplies of American agricultural products, a great deal for our farmers.



  1. Americans are so used to our leaders folding instead of fighting for us that all of this is too good to be true.All is lost if he is not re elected.

  2. President Trump, Making America Great Again !!! Love it love it...

  3. We hired a negotiator, we got a negotiator.

  4. Remind me again how many billions of dollars we've had to subsidize American farmers with due to this trade war? Call it what it is, WELFARE.

  5. 9:44 you hired a crook and you got one.

    1. 9:45- Trolling kinda hard today, aren't you? How pathetic is that?

    2. 9:45- How is he a crook? You must have the day off! Trolling awfully hard today, aren't ya, Little guy! So, this is how you enjoy your free time? No kids on your lawn to scream at, I guess. I can tell you're a Hillary fan. I'm sorry you're still butt hurt that she didn't make it back in the White House to steal more furniture, or for Bill to smash more interns. You really are a moronic whining baby!

  6. 9:44 all we got was a pro golfer. He's spent over 200 years worth of presidential salaries on his golf outings. SOOOOO kind of him to give away his salary...

    1. 9:46- Are you stupid or something? Were you as much of a sad sack when Obama was flying to Hawaii every month?

  7. Can you imagine if Obama wanted to host the next G7 summit at a property he owned and would directly benefit from?

  8. I can see we have a bunch of libtards in on this one.


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