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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Trump Is Unlikely To Commit Political Suicide by Betraying Us On Guns

Donald Trump is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them. Like all of us, he is understandably horrified by the murder sprees of that progressive environmental eugenics weirdo and that member of Big Chief Warren’s tribe.* But Trump is also keenly aware that any betrayal of his supporters on a literally life or death issue like guns – if you’ve been listening to the left you have a good idea what miserable fate awaits you if you get disarmed and they take power – will result in his wholesale abandonment by his supporters. No, his base probably won’t go vote for the furry, or Doxxy Castro’s brother, or Gaffe-y McOldenheimer. His base will just stay home. Trump will lose, the GOP will lose the Senate, and the left will take over. And bad things will happen to the liberal elite’s enemies, not least of all to Trump and his family.

Trump understands this. And he understands that the media is trying to get him to alienate his own supporters. But so far, he has never stuck us in the back even after the garbage media eagerly reports on his conciliatory talk on subjects near and dear to us in the hopes that it means a betrayal is incoming. It never has been in the past. There’s no reason to believe he would sell us out now.

We would not forgive him. To go left on guns would be, at a minimum, political suicide.



  1. He should have NEVER put down WHITE NATIONALISTS.

  2. There's nothing to forgive, it's just common sense to remove guns from crazy people.

  3. What a betrayal it is to try and stop the all to common occurrence of mass shootings...

    1. TYPICAL LIBUTARD. Everyone knows what this is ALL about. Removing the second amendment from the CONSTITUTION. Just like gay marriage. Just like abortion. Just like transgender. Just like open borders. Just like trying to TAKE DOWN A PRESIDENT. It all started somewhere and people all said "NO WAY". NEVER HAPPEN. HERE WE ARE. IF PRESIDENT TRUMP DOES THIS. HE SURELY WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT IN 2020. You can get away with many things. But you F**K with the CONSTITUTION. YOUR TOAST!!

  4. I will stay home if he doesn’t support the 2A.

    Let the dogs have it I’m ready.

  5. There are "good people on both sides" This includes white nationalists

  6. He will lose my vote if he screws with my right to have or purchase firearms

  7. Ok. Lets think about this.
    Even if he goes south on gin control.
    Who in the he$$ are you going to vote for in his place
    He may be forced to go along with it.
    Just hide your guns and ammo now
    They can't take what they can't find

  8. Don't take my Hendricks Gin !

  9. POTUS is far and away ahead of All posting here. He's got a plan as he plays 4D Chess...not too many can outsmart him. Trust the plan.

    1. Amen, he’s just trolling the liberals!

  10. Remember that he was for gun control before he became a Republican


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