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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Trump can change history by declassifying three Obama-era documents

My sources tell me President Trump is putting the finishing touches on a White House initiative to declassify documents that have remained hidden from the public for far too long.

This welcome effort to provide more public transparency and accountability almost certainly will focus early on the failings of the now-debunked Russia collusion probe. And I’m sure it will spread quickly toward other high-profile issues, such as the government’s UFO files that have been a focus of clamoring for decades.

But my reporting indicates three sets of documents from the Obama years should be declassified immediately, too, because they will fundamentally change the public’s understanding of history and identify ways to improve governance.

The first includes the national security assessments that the U.S. intelligence community conducted under President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton concerning the Russia nuclear giant Rosatom’s effort to acquire uranium business in the United States.



  1. Bring it on let us see all the documents and follow up with all the charges that can be filed on everyone including Bill & Hillary and even Obama. And make sure the media stays on it like all the fake news that they generate. Lets have real hearings televised like they have done. Let's charge Obama as not being an American and still no proof of a birth certificate therefore strip him of being a FAKE PRESIDENT.

  2. Bring it all out. The dirt from the Obama era must be shown the light.

  3. Will not be done soon enough. Probably waiting until around the summer before elections to show the Democrats policies that has been destroying our Democratic Government in the US and the Democrat treasonous ways.

  4. He should also open up all the JFK papers!

  5. also add the 911 commission report. Osama supposed fake killing, OBAMAS college transcripts that will prove that he was NOT an American citizen. NSA,IRS spying, Fast n Furious that led to the death of Brian Terry Border agent. The money scams of Solandra, GM, the smash and grab of the coal industry. The money drop to the Mullahs of Iran... man my list can go on and on. Open up everything from day one of the Obama admin taking office! DEclassify and UNseal it all! expose all those crooks for the crooks that they were.

  6. Good post 3:50pm

  7. Burn the Clinton Crime Family too!


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