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Saturday, August 17, 2019

This Group Is Educating Young Americans About the Ills of Socialism

President Donald Trump has repeatedly promised, “America will never be a socialist country.”

Since Franklin Roosevelt began expanding government in the 1930s, the United States has increasingly adopted big-state policies associated with socialism.

We may not be at the stage Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., would advocate, but more millennials appear to favor a system under which they have never lived. Free stuff is appealing until one realizes its costs.

In an attempt to reach Generation Z—those in their teens and 20s—a new organization is starting this month to combat socialism’s appeal.

It’s called Young Americans Against Socialism (yaas.org), according to its site, a nonpartisan nonprofit “dedicated to exposing socialism’s failures to young Americans by creating viral educational videos for social media.”

Its founder, Morgan Zegers, worries that “more than half of young people believe socialism should be implemented in America.” The reason, she says, is because many of them know very little about it.



  1. " Free stuff is appealing until one realizes its costs."

    Growing up we didn't have much and at times things were bad but the thought of us taking anything for free was appalling. We were taught only low lifes take free stuff and we were better then that. We were taught to look down on those who took free stuff and that is the way it should be.

  2. If you do not personally own it any type of property, you do not take care of it. That's what socialism is


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