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Friday, August 02, 2019

These People Are Crazy

Liberals are insane. That’s not news, at least to anyone who watched even clips from the Democratic debates this week. They promised a unicorn that poops gold while paying for your health care and college, giving you a high-paying job and foot rubs at will. If you completely ignore the reality of the hell on earth their socialistic policies would create, it sounded wonderful.

But you can’t ignore reality with these people. Any of them. It’s reality they want to “fundamentally transform.” To do that they’re not only willing destroy what exists now, they have to destroy it.

Leftists are very open about this. They want to “tear down” the system – health care, capitalism, etc., you name it. By “tear down” they mean decimate. Most people like their health care and support capitalism, and the country, so they’re unlikely to willingly allow its “transformation” to something else.



  1. I've finally realized why the democrats and the MSM are losing their minds with Trump and keep repeating "racist" over and over.
    They have always had this "end of discussion / facts don't matter" racist card to play.The immediate & default reaction was always an apology tour and denouncing anything that was deemed racist. "Sorry for my white privileged / ignorant self. Sorry I hurt your feelings." BS
    Trump is the only public official that does not fall for this racist crap. He does not cower or back down when speaking the truth. He doesn't react how society has been trained to react. They don't understand this and can't handle losing this power.
    TRUMP 2020!!!

    1. Tell them, "Sweet One!" I see you Jim Jones!! (10:09). How's the Cult?

    2. 12:40 Sorry But 10:09 makes a lot more sense then you do. That was a pathetic attempt at trollingđŸ˜‰

    3. Agree, Trump is the only sane one among them!

  2. Liberals want a Utopia - well, a Utopia where they are the ruling class. And they don't care who has to die to get it

  3. American Lives Matter! Time for Chris Matthews to have a psychiatric evaluation. His delusions are just falling out of his mouth on the air.

  4. And leftmedia doesn’t know truth from lies anymore.


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