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Saturday, August 03, 2019

Supreme Court May Hear Case That Could Leave The 2A In Disarray

North Carolina-based Remington Arms has asked the Supreme Court to decide, once and for all, if gun manufacturers should be held responsible for crimes committed with their product. Remington has been in a drawn out legal battle with a survivor and families of the Sandy Hook shooting that took place in Sandy Hook, Connecticut in 2012. The gunman used a Bushmaster XM15-E2S, commonly referred to as an AR-15, to carry out his attack that left 26 dead, including 20 children and seven adults. One of the victims was his mother.

The request comes after the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that Remington, Busmaster's parent company, could be sued on state law because of how the rifle was marketed to the public, the Associated Press reported. A lower court judge had originally threw the case out, saying Remington was protected under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which protects firearms manufacturers and dealers from being held liable when a person commits a crime with one of their products.

"The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was passed with bipartisan support in order rightfully assign responsibility and accountability to those who commit crimes," the National Shooting Sports Foundation's Director of Public Affairs, Mark Oliva, told Townhall. "Those seeking to hold manufacturers responsible for the crimes of individuals who purposefully and criminally misuse firearms are wrongfully assigning blame. This would be no different than holding Ford responsible for this who commit heinous crimes with their vehicles.'



  1. What was left out of this article, is that they are being sued not only for manufacturing the guns..

    (By the way before your heads all pop I'm a gun owning Trump voter, but the truth matters,, )

    ...the case hinges on how the company markets and advertises the product. Part of the argument is that the manufacturers cause this sort of reaction by helping create ideas in these shooters heads from how they are presented.

    Now, do I agree? I dunno... but this detail was CONSPICUOUSLY left out.

  2. There's already a federal law on the books that states unequivocally that firearm manufacturers cannot be liable.

  3. The problem with the case:

    Millions of Americans now understand that Sandy Hook was a hoax perpetuated by Homeland Security and the Newtown Church of Satan. The event took place in a school that had been closed for years. The actors who worked the event weren’t properly prepared and botched the scam from the beginning. Many of the child actors were found to be used in several other events and some even claimed to have died multiple times.

    It was a poorly planned Psyop.

  4. Marketing and advertising how, brother? Unless you buy gun magazines.I feel they're within their to right to advertise on a certain forum, like gun mags. Not tv so much. If movies are using them as props then ban that. Movies ain't worth a shit anymore anyway. Bunch of thug drug dealing movies.These mentally ill people just want to kill and be noticed. Just my thoughts.

  5. 7:06

    You are a truth teller!
    Thank you

  6. Thank you 7:06. Sandy Hook is truly Sandy Hoax.

    Show me the kids bodies.

  7. Will they hold manufacturers of cars responsible when someone is killed with a car. How about people who make knives, axes, machetes, baseball bats, arrows, etc, etc.? Do they know how stupid it sounds for people to be held responsible for someone else killing someone with the products they make?


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