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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sheriff Mike Lewis: Border Security Means Homeland Security


  1. As a never Trumper and a Republican , I agree.
    However childish name calling to opposition and Democrats will not achieve the desired results. If you remember , while the Republicans were impeaching Bill Clinton , Clinton was working with Republicans for comprehensive welfare reform and achieved our Countries goal. Perhaps Trump should consider the same negotiating skill that Clinton used

    1. Welfare reform?? Lmao. How did that work out.? Did you like Bills dress ? Ha. “ never trumper ” very original never heard that before! Go ahead attack my grammar.

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 16, 2019 at 12:55 PM

      10:21 you joking right? What "Clinton negotiating skills" you talking about? The ones he used with Monica Lewinski in a blue dress? Or those 23 trips he took on Epsteins's private plane to the Pedophile island?

  2. @ 10:21 Any name calling is a direct response from the name calling from the left your complaint is the typical double standard from the left. As far as Bill Clinton being a negotiator with Republicans he had no choice but move to the middle and work out a deal with Republicans because he was under investigation and needed something positive. The great economy you give Clinton credit for was directly from the Republican congress which Clinton went along with. Trump is a great negotiator as we have and will continue to see, We finally have a President that doesn't sellout the American citizen and tax payer to foreign countries.

  3. Yeah, what 10:21 said!

    1. 10:52 great inputπŸ™„

    2. Agreed 1:46 lolπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  4. I suggest that name calling by the leader of the free world is in no way constructive. Leadership starts at the top. Lead by example.
    Are we really going to get into elementary school,...well you started it back and forth

  5. 10:39 Well said!!

  6. when you have Democrats that wont shut up maybe a little name calling to settle them down

  7. 1133 very smart and correct thanks

  8. Trump has never ever name called. Show us the clips . Time and date. You can't.

  9. I think there's a lot of name calling and worse in his tweets. Sorry, but his tweeting is not presidential.

    1. 5:51 President Trump tweets because the media refuses to report the truth !!!


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