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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sheriff Lewis speaking yesterday at the Bay to the Beach event.


  1. This is ALL mikM Lewis is about today!! He does NO real police work just another social media attention whores like Jake Day

    1. Go back to mommy's basement lib.

    2. Typical vet officer cupcake.

  2. Dear 8:40 ,
    He is my sheriff , just remember he is the sheriff , his job is to be in charge of the officers of the county about 89 of them . He does an excellent job , why do you bash him Mr. liberal . You have no idea what he does or doesn't do. Go back to bed and don't forget your meds.
    By the way , can you define real police work?

  3. I understand your feelings 8:40 , it must be hell having mental problems and not knowing what to do about it. I suggest you see a doctor soon , maybe the doctor can give you some meds for the head. Please don't call the law when you need them , in your eyes they suck. Sheriff Lewis is an honorable man and will be voted in as sheriff for many years. Go back to your corner and suck your thumb.

  4. shame on you, wish Mike was our sheriff instead of Matt

    1. Hahaha! Matt's not your sheriff. The chief deputy and his wife are. Your so funny brother.

  5. HAMMER them Mike put up the bucket trucks and do visules fed up with text driving teens on the road I see TONS OF THEM.

  6. Maybe if the MSP weren't sitting BS with each other at the Vienna scales they could track down some speeders in the surrounding Small Towns ? It I there job no ?

  7. Yeah, but he sounds damn good. You go Sherriff.

  8. What's he going to do now > Radar from Beach to Bay !!!

    Time for a New Sheriff along time ago !!! 2 term Limits !!!!

  9. 2Term Limits for ALL Govt offices & Positions PERIOD !!!!

  10. Make him call in his Dogs OFF the Radar Beat !!!!
    Go Back to Serving papers like the old Sheriffs did !!!!

  11. Thank God we have people like Mike Lewis to bear the burden of standing up for the Second Amendment even though every pressure exerted on his office goes the other way.

    May God keep him safe.

  12. All Wicomico County Govt is Corrupt & Dirty !!!!

  13. Hey 11:05 it's @8:40 do you have any other responses than liberal or snowflake and get outta mommies basement? I'm a retired USMC DAV and spent years with so called leaders like Mike Lewis and the other idiot Day. Nothing but self absorbed grandstanders that spend more time taking pictures than fighting the battles. I never have or ever will call the police for help @ 10:04 it's usually the assholes calling on me after they've figured out they f'd with the wrong one. Yes the PTSD bshit is hard to deal with at times but the meds are for pussies!! I'm sick of ALL these social media whores Democrats, Republicans, progressive liberals that make nothing but empty promises and have their own personal agenda in mind. NikM Lewis and Jake Day are both just lucky that I didn't show much restraint in the past and got into a bit of trouble or I'd run against both their asses until somebody got into office that actually cared about the citizens. I know all you dipshits would have a keyboard field day if I chose to step up! So in closing all you brown nosing pussies go piss up a rope or quite a few of you probably sit when you piss

    1. A snowflake veteran who would have thought.

    2. As a matter of fact when your prostate is as big as a bowling ball, and your on meds for it, it easier to piss sitting down. Hahaha!

  14. Ass-Kissers is what Wicomico County has, incl HIM !!!

    They are Bought & Paid For !!!! County Whores

  15. Thank you for that inspiring speech, Deputy Dawg.

  16. Mike Lewis is a terrible example of what a sherriff or leader should be. There's alot of drunken skirt chasing that goes on with these clowns you dumbass voters glorify

  17. Mikey should have stayed with the Maryland State Police. The fact is they wanted him gone his ego and racist behavior was starting to create legal problems for the State Police. Sheriff Nelms retired and the rest is history. I knew Lewis when he was a young Trooper his idea of fun was sitting on the 13 by-pass shooting cats and other animals. At times displaying them on road signs so passing motorist would be able to see them. His partner at the time was Krah Plunkert and he to shot cats. Yes that is what you have for a Sheriff and former Trooper. This abhorrent behavior speaks volumes as to mind set of this man. There are many other issues of driving while intoxicated and outrageous speeding. Yet he preaches this bullshit about traffic control. Do as I say not as do mind set. Mike Lewis is worst kind of cop he enforces laws as if they were written for him and not the public. I will not even touch on what he has put his wife through. he is simply a Ultra-Narcissist and Hypocrite. The men and women of the Sheriff's Office truly deserve better even more the residents of Wicomico County deserve better. Funny thing about Mike I know he carries his M.S.P badge in his wallet versus a Sheriff's badge. enough said


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