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Monday, August 12, 2019

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  1. Coneheads waiting for Jake’s friends!

  2. Everyone needs to take a drive down Waverly Drive to see the full effect of this disaster! Truly unbelievable.

  3. Jake the Jackass. How much has been wasted on pandering to his gay friends?

  4. Stuart! Now you clean up this mess right now!

  5. This is the funniest thing ever!! I’m crying 🤣🤣🤣

  6. Hey Jake,just because you think something is a good idea does not mean it's true.

  7. Be very careful making the right turn onto Waverly from South Blvd. The first speed bump forces you to pull way out and almost into the oncoming traffic in the other lane. It was worse when they had the new traffic pattern sign closer to the intersection. At least they took down the two left turn arrows at Carroll St but the idiot who ran the stop sign ahead of me today, didnt care. He was in the new right turn lane behind a car turning right on red, and he proceeded to make a left turn onto Carroll even though the light was still red. Gonna have to rethink my route to work downtown. Are they still planning a rotary at Riverside, Camden and Carroll? Who are the traffic experts coming up with these plans ?

  8. Many new issues are going to develop because of what they did with Waverly Drive. Since now you can't get into the leftmost left hand turn lane to turn left onto Carroll St. from Waverly at the traffic signal, cars now stuck in the growing line of cars waiting to get to that intersection will drive into the opposing lane of traffic to bypass the stopped vehicles to get into that lane. More vehicles turning left onto Carroll will begin running the red light because of the long wait to get to the intersection they already had. Cars making a right onto Waverly from intersecting roads on the east side of Waverly will, if they even come to a complete stop at all, will check to see if any traffic is coming from their left, but not their right. With the bike lane now running along that east side curb, bikes traveling southbound on Waverly, or approaching that turning vehicle from its passenger side, will be in greater damage of getting struck by that vehicle. Because of increased congestion, especially during peak driving periods of the day, more drivers will opt to avoid Waverly Drive causing traffic issues on the primary and secondary roads.


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