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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Sen. Patty Murray: 'Mental health issues don't cause mass shootings'

Sen. Patty Murray asserted on her Twitter account that the true cause of mass shootings are not people who have mental health issues but rather firearms.

Murray tweeted this week in the aftermath of the mass shootings that occurred in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, within 24 hours of each other.

"Mental health issues don't cause mass shootings, guns do," the Washington state Democrat said, calling for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to vote on House-passed gun control bills.

In the case of the shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, the New York Times reported his mental health problems were "completely untreated in the years before the shooting." His mother had resisted recommendations from doctors that he take medication for some of his problems.



  1. Washington state?? ENOUGH said.

  2. Senator Murray's response is why we have the issue we have, and will continue to have mass shootings. The certified NUTS can get a weapon if they want to, whether it is a gun, car, or machete. The old cliche, guns don't kill people, people do is still obvious to everyone but the Democrats! We need to do something with the NUTS, if we can, to fix the problem.

  3. Forks are the cause of obesity. Smh

  4. Another Democrat idiot. How does the weapon get loaded? How does the trigger get pulled? How does the weapon get aimed? Her analysis tells me drunk drivers don't kill the cars kill. LOL

  5. Dirty Anti-American Demon-crats CAUSE it !!! Biased News
    too !!!

  6. Hmmm....does she have an M.D. behind her name? Nope, so she knows nothing just like the rest of us.

  7. patty is full of BULLSHIT !!!!

  8. Perfectly sane people do not go on shooting rampages. There is always mental health issues involved. Name one mass shooter or killer that wasn't living in a deranged world of there own minds creation. Mentally ill

  9. We should not expect anything less from her. She can’t help it; she is a moon bat.

  10. The problem is that the mentally ill are able to get these guns pretty easily. If you can't change their mental illness, then you need to stop them from getting these weapons.

  11. Mental illness IS the root cause of non-battlefield mass homicides! Sane people may harbor extreme hatred for someone or something but they do not act on it.

  12. I think Ms Patty must have some mental health issues of her own, if she believes that.


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