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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Seattle Officials Can’t Agree on How to Remove Human Crap from Sidewalks –

This is the modern day left in action. Pure insanity.

Seattle has a human feces problem on their streets and sidewalks. But the city council cannot agree on how to remove the crap.

Councilmember Larry Gossett says power-washing the sidewalks bring up images of using hoses against civil rights activists.



  1. BUY IT let the street people earn some money for picking it up.

  2. Councilmember Larry Gossett doesn't hose down his driveway, or wash his car, or water the garden? What an idiot.
    On using power washers to clean the crap from the sidewalks, it'll create a crap-laden spray when the water bounces off the sidewalk that will follow whatever breeze is around and attach itself to whatever people and vehicles are passing within fifty or more feet. Yum.

  3. Move it by snow shovel to the front door of every Starbucks! Let the Liberals step in it and smell it!

  4. "Seattle Officials Can’t Agree on How to Remove Human Crap from Sidewalks – "

    Are they talking about the feces or the people?

  5. Use the race card and people will you are smart in your thinking. Nope...

  6. Gee maybe some portable potties around town, its better than streets and sidewalks covered in sh$t!

  7. Use a thin napkin, councilmen...


  8. Do nothing. It will clue future archeologists to what exactly is between the ears of the council, and of those voting for them. But I suppose pet owners still are expected to clean up.

  9. Totally unbelievable! Is this the best Liberals can offer?

  10. Collect a DNA sample from each pile for future reference.


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