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Monday, August 05, 2019

Salisbury MSP DUI Report July 2019



  1. Congratulations MSP You have been busy

  2. More revenue for the state coffers!
    Keep those lawyers and law professionals in business!
    Good job with your traffic enforcement efforts!

    Would be nice to see you patrol the crime and drug ridden streets of this county and state. But in the mean time continue with your traffic enforcement efforts. Many in state and county government are depending on you!

  3. 1210, don't drink and drive and you won't have anything to worry about, apart from maybe other people drinking and driving and slamming into you, but c'est la vie!

  4. 12:10 apparently doesn't believe driving under the influence is a crime. Has probably had a few of their own DUI arrests.

  5. Avoiding DUIs is super easy, barely an inconvenience.

  6. I would like to see the list of those who didn’t get caught. There’s never enough police around here

  7. They're being replaced with cameras, how many dwi tickets are they going to write. And some people want more cameras ???


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