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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Rand Paul Renews Call for Auditing Federal Reserve

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on Wednesday reiterated his longstanding call for an audit of the Federal Reserve in an all-capital-letters tweet that echoed similar concerns by President Donald Trump.

"IT SHOULD BE GETTING AUDITED," the second-term senator said in his post, which included a Trump all-caps tweet challenging Fed monetary policies.

Paul, 56, has long called for the Fed to be audited, and in January reintroduced legislation to have the General Accounting Office examine the central bank.

In 2016, the Senate passed Paul's bill — and the House has twice approved the legislation, but the White House and the Fed have opposed any audit.

Rand Paul's father, former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who later became a Libertarian, first proposed legislation in 1999 to eliminate the Fed and later to audit the agency after the 2008 banking crisis. The bills have stalled in Congress.



  1. Its all fiat currency what does it matter if you audit monopoly money?

  2. How can the Fed NOT get audited?

  3. 7:55, It has not been audited since it's creation in 1913. So,I think
    you've answered you own question.

  4. The Fed isn't the problem. It's all the money politicians like Paul have racked up in debt. 21 trillion and going up 200 billion by the time I finish typing this.
    The Fed is doing it's job, the idiot politicians and president just need a scapegoat.

  5. Obama is responsible for alot of the National debt. It is a fact.

  6. 8:23
    You obviously know nothing about the topic.

    Start with the illegal act of 1913
    Learn about the Bretton Woods Agreement
    Then, about its end in August 1971

    It is the secret Fed Owners who counterfeit the US Dollar
    They control the politicians, not the other way around


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