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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Raising a Black Flag Against Red Flag Laws

Here we go again. Another mass shooting followed by demands for more gun control on one side and calls for more armed citizens on the other. The inflammatory rhetoric over who to blame coupled with claims that something—anything—be done to stop the next one sings like static television noise. Simultaneously, Democrat politicians fundraise off of someone else's misery.

I am tired of it.

This ritual is mentally exhausting. I refuse to get dragged down that rabbit hole anymore. In the immediate 48 hours following a mass killing, I don't rush something to print. It's not my style to be the first one to be heard. I like to take a step back, let the families of the victims bury their dead, and pray for them. The left doesn't have the same decency for the people who have experienced grief and horror. Instead, the left immediately ratchets up their anti-gun political agenda, thereby forgetting any thoughts and prayers for the victim's families. This is not surprising since they have been crusading over the last several decades to scrub God from everywhere on earth. Like sharks sensing blood in the water, they use a tragedy to gain money, votes, and the opportunity to steal our liberties. Must I remind you what that gem of a bureaucrat Rahm Emanuel said about never letting a crisis go to waste?



  1. Take away rifles
    Then guns
    Then black powder
    Then knifes
    Then sling shots
    Then thought
    Then open world boarders.

  2. BINGO the left hate GODS perfect plan

  3. I think it’s a great idea. Why would anyone need a weapon of war. Ban semi automatics

  4. 10:22. well thats because when we go to war against Tyranny they will be needed. you on the other hand should realize muskets were the weapons of war when this country was founded. the 2nd A is there to allow us to defend our selves. we should be talking about why sick people do sick things. its not the instrument its the cold black hearts thats is the problem.

    1. Idiots like 1022 will be out wearing there pink hats and we PATRIOTS can't wait.


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