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Monday, August 05, 2019

Pseudo scientific hysteria is the wrong answer to climate change

A year ahead of the US presidential election, exaggeration about global warming is greater than ever. While some politicians continue (incorrectly) to insist it’s made up, far more insist (also incorrectly) that we face an imminent climate crisis threatening civilization.

During this week’s Democratic debates, Pete Buttigieg called 2030 a “point of no return,” Beto O’Rourke warned we don’t have “more than 10 years to get this right” and Andrew Yang claimed climate change has already moved beyond a tipping point: “We are 10 years too late,” he said.

Using climate to energize the base may make short-term political sense, but adding to polarization on the topic just makes it impossible to engage in sensible policy discussion.



  1. All you need to know about this global warming hoax is what the dumbocrats prescription to fix it.
    Massive new taxes and more government control over our freedoms with the promise of reducing temperatures by less than 1 degree in 100 years.

  2. The earth has been warming since the ice age

  3. Got online and found a graph showing average global temperatures over the last 800,000 years and waddaya know, we still seem to be well within the up/down ranges. But, as the old saying goes, you just can't win with these people.

  4. Science must be fake and the world is really flat


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