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Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Press Release: Acting County Attorney


  1. I hope that we don't regret this.

  2. 11:12 - too late - based on what has transpired over the past couple of years - he should never have even been considered!

  3. Look out taxpayers of Wicomico County, need to keep those old guys going and the doors open at the mausoleum!

  4. I thought that clown was let go for good. I would love to hear from other lawyers in town on how they feel on this.

  5. Wilbur is a good man. WTF are you talking about?? I would have told Culver go screw yourself. What about the bumbling fool of a city attorney?? Yet you talk about Wilbur?? What degree do you have?!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Wilbur is a good man. WTF are you talking about?? I would have told Culver go screw yourself. What about the bumbling fool of a city attorney?? Yet you talk about Wilbur?? What degree do you have?!

    August 7, 2019 at 3:38 PM

    Wilbur is a Fkg Crook. Were you asleep under the Barrie Tilghman administration? Remember the $80 million dollar abortion at the wastewater treatment plant.


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