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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

PRAGER: Meanwhile, This Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing To Society

Virtually every week, there seems to be another issue that preoccupies the country. But while our attention is focused on President Donald Trump, Google, Charlottesville, Russia, impeachment, Jeffrey Epstein, the next elections, racism, a trade war with China, the #MeToo movement or something else, LGBTQ organizations are quietly going about their work dismantling ethical norms, making a mockery of education, ruining innocent people's lives and destroying children's innocence. If you think this is overstated, here are some examples:

The LGBTQ Dismantling of Women's Sports

Last month, a transgender weightlifter won multiple gold medals at the 2019 Pacific Games in Samoa. Laurel Hubbard of New Zealand won two gold medals and a silver in the three heavyweight categories for women weighing more than 87 kilograms, or 192 pounds. Hubbard is physically male.

Last year, two biologically male sophomores at different Connecticut high schools competed in female division of the state open track and field competition. They came in first and second place in the 100- and 200-meter dashes.



  1. People were saying the same thing about minorities drinking out of the same water fountains 50 years ago. Why can't you live and let live? You don't want to see gay people out on the streets? Well no one wants to see your beer gut hanging out of your sleeveless camo shirt at walmart either lol

  2. if they have to look at an ugly jacked up F150 with the wheels sticking 2 ft out of the fender you can look at someone in a rainbow shirt for 10 seconds

    1. 12:17 I love to see an F-350 Power Stroke rolling coal

  3. I liked gays back in the day when they weren't all in your face...

  4. None of those arguments can apply to sports, where those who have XXY chromosomes don't have the same physical attributes as those with XX.
    To mix them in competition renders the entire concept of sports competition, especially individual and small team sports, moot. Beyond that, pushing for biological males to compete against biological females in youth sports is cruel to those who practice hard, have skills and take pride in fair competition.

    I believe that this facet of the controversy should be resolved by whatever peaceful means are necessary, including boycotting any sporting event where the cards are stacked by a declaration of physical superiority by chromosome numbers.


    Raising their kids to be like them too !!!

  6. They would not do well in a SOCIALIST country !!!

    Tell that to Bernie !!! AOC & the Fab 4 !!


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