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Friday, August 09, 2019

Poll: Majority of Blacks, Hispanics Support Anti-Illegal Immigration 2020 Candidates

The overwhelming majority of American voters say they are more likely to support 2020 presidential candidates who oppose illegal immigration to the United States, a new poll finds.

The latest Harvard/Harris Poll reveals that about 70 percent, or seven-in-ten, U.S. voters said they would be more likely to support a 2020 presidential candidate who stands for “strengthening our border to reduce illegal immigration” to the country.

Only 30 percent of U.S. voters said they would be less likely to support a 2020 presidential candidate who supported reducing illegal immigration.

Support for reducing illegal immigration is vastly popularly among swing voters, about 69 percent of whom said they would be more likely to back a candidate like President Trump in the 2020 election because of his stance against illegal immigration.

Similarly, voters across racial lines said they would be more likely to support a 2020 presidential candidate that wants to reduce illegal immigration.


[So it looks like the overwhelming majority of American voters are racists, right? Or maybe White Supremacists? --Editor]


  1. Well that takes care of ALL the dimmy candidates...

  2. Shh! Don't tell those idiot dems running for POTUS


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