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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Poll: Half of Hispanic Americans Approve of Trump Following ICE Raids

After the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency raided multiple Mississippi food processing plants for hiring illegal alien workers, President Trump’s support among Hispanic voters has remained solid and a record total of black Americans now support him.

Last week, ICE agents conducted the largest workplace raid in more than a decade across seven food processing plants in Mississippi, netting the arrests of 680 illegal aliens. That same day, though, ICE officials said they released about 300 of the illegal workers back into the U.S. on “humanitarian grounds.” More than 200 of the illegal workers had prior criminal records.

The latest Zogby Analytics poll, conducted days after the highly-publicized ICE raids, finds that about 49 percent of Hispanic Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president. Another 51 percent said they disapprove.

Meanwhile, Trump’s support among black Americans has surged.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know one legal hispanic or latino who doesn't have ICE's number on speed dial and I know many. They are forever calling ICE on one another. And all love Trump. They say because of Trump they are getting raises and are able to buy houses. This is what has the democrats whipped up and trying so hard to get Trump is a racist through heads. May work with blacks but all hispanics and latinos are smarter then most blacks.


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