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Thursday, August 15, 2019

New Council Member Takes Office

SALISBURY – District 2 resident Nicole Acle was sworn in as the newest member of the Wicomico County Council last week.

On Aug. 6, Acle was instated as the new District 2 representative for Wicomico County.

Late last month, the Wicomico County Council held a special meeting to appoint a nominee to fill the District 2 seat left vacant by former Councilman Marc Kilmer’s resignation on June 15. During the special meeting, Acle was appointed to the position by a unanimous vote.

Prior to the start of last week’s council meeting, Acle was sworn in by the Wicomico County Clerk of Circuit Court James “Bo” McAllister.

For her part, Acle thanked her family and county officials for their support.



  1. You would think she could at least DRESS THE PART.

  2. its not like she doesn't have the money.

  3. Heard Mrs. C is Happy.


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