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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Mother of 'missing' four-year-old boy and her female partner are charged with manslaughter

The boy's mother Alicia Lawson (left), 25, and her partner Shatika Lawson (right), 40, face charges including child abuse, involuntary manslaughter and giving false statement

A mother and her female partner have been charged with manslaughter and child abuse after a four-year-old boy was found dead in a Baltimore dumpster.

Authorities including the FBI had been searching for Malachi Lawson after he was reported missing from the porch of his grandmother's home on Thursday, August 1.

But the boy's mother Alicia Lawson admitted on Friday night that Malachi was not really missing, but dead.

Lawson, 25, helped police find Malachi's remains on Saturday in a metal trash bin, where the young boy's body was found with 'obvious signs of injury'.



  1. Black supremicy.

  2. Are these the rats Trump mentioned last week?

  3. They have no limits on their abortions

  4. Well don't they look like fine upstanding citizens. I bet they colored their hair while they were waiting for their welfare check.

  5. Manslaughter for murdering and tossing an innocent child in a dumpster??? Shouldn't this warrant a MURDER charge?

  6. How do you NOT know that your child is in scalding hot water?? There is no defense and no excuse for this. Not even Kim Jong-un could come up with a more torturous way to die.
    Those last few hours of that child's life had to be complete agony. The punishment should fit the crime.

  7. It's a liberal thing.

  8. They can kill the child after its born, maybe they allow them up to 5 years now ?

  9. The wrong person ended up in the dumpster.

  10. Can anyone be any uglier?
    Can't believe anyone would want to reproduce with her!
    That person must have been really hard up!

  11. Mental disorders associated with gender dysphoria

  12. This is both sickening and heartbreaking.may that precious little boy be playing in heaven now.

  13. Exactly 1:22! I am pretty sure that "If" that story is true the poor child would have screamed the minute his body felt the water. How can someone claim that they seen pieces of skin coming off the child and not gotten him treatment. Yes, that would have been pure agony and I don't believe for a minute that any of is true. They should stick these two in scalding water until their skins fall off and see how long it takes them to die.

  14. 1:22 It never mentioned how he was burned. He could have pulled a pot of water onto himself. Could have been a candle that burned him. Either way they should have gotten him help. What made you assume it was bathwater that burned him?

  15. Trashy, worthless POS!!! I want to know why Manslaughter and not MURDER in the first degree??? Black privilege? This is an example of the Baltimore rats. No, that's an insult to rats.

  16. Poor little guy. I would have taken him. If someone could do that to their own child, what would they do to you or me?

  17. Why are they still living??

  18. Don't hear a thing on the MSM. UHMMM!!

  19. democrats! for sure!

  20. Dads getting 3 hots and a cot or in Baltimore Harbor feeding the liberal crabs.

  21. 3:32. Because I read the original article before this one.

  22. That mugshot is sure one hateful face! She's mad at EVERYBODY!


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