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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Montgomery County leaders, residents weigh in after two undocumented immigrants charged with raping girl

ROCKVILLE, Md. (FOX 5 DC) - FOX 5 is hearing on camera for the first time from Montgomery County leaders and residents after two undocumented immigrants from El Salvador reportedly raped an 11-year-old girl repeatedly in Germantown.

The county is now blaming the federal government and refusing to weigh in on if its sanctuary atmosphere attracted the two suspects to the area.

“If the system failed, it failed on the federal government,” said Barry Hudson, Public Information Director.



  1. truly friggin amazing the Audacity of these leftist. the blame belongs to you and you alone

  2. Lay this at the feet of ALL Democrats and tell me I'm wrong...

  3. Figures doesn't it? Everyone else is to blame.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Must be president Trump’s fault. Couldn’t possibly be the unintended consequences of Marxist democrat policies.

  5. if only it was one of their family that got raped instead of someone else's

  6. It is caused by Maryland and these MD Counties being sanctuary State and Counties. Democrats need to take responsibility for their actions.

  7. It's AMAZING how all the LIBUTARD foreigners and Americans in this area want illegals. Open borders. Give illegals healthcare and welfare on our dime. NOW they bitch and moan?? Always to talk CRAP when you think it won't happen to you!!


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