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Monday, August 12, 2019

MLK's niece denounces Democrats' 'race baiting' of Trump

The niece of civil-rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. has a question for Democrats who accuse President Trump of being a white supremacist.

“I’d like to ask anyone who calls him that — have they ever met one?” Alveda King said Thursday.

Ms. King, a Trump supporter, said on Fox News that she knows all about white supremacists.

“I’ve had the experience of going head-to-head with genuine racists,” she said. “Back in the 20th Century, I was a youth organizer. At the time, my uncle, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King was killed [in 1968]… I was in a home that was bombed. A racist is a person who really does believe that their race, their category of humanity, is superior or different.”

She said Mr. Trump “is not a racist.”

“He’s not a white supremacist,” Ms. King said. “President Trump says we all bleed the same. He’s very clear on that. And he has done so much for all Americans, including African Americans… A better economy, [Historically Black Colleges and Universities] get a good shot in the arm, criminal justice reform, his pro-life work. Don’t buy into this racist banter, this race-baiting.”



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