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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Many El Pasos and Daytons in Chicago Every Weekend: More than 50 Shot, 6 Killed in Windy City

In Chicago this past weekend, more than 50 people were shot and six killed in a three-day period. With the media focus on the shootings in El Paso and Dayton, bloody Chicago continues to add up the bodies.

As the media reports about the investigations into the shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, the carnage in Chicago continues unabated, and goes nearly unreported by the national press.

As each hour ticked down over the first weekend in August, the shooting and death toll steadily rose until Chicago’s ABC 7 reported on Monday morning that 51 people were shot and seven killed in the previous 72 hours. That number was later upped to 68 shot as the Chicago Police Department delivered its full report.

Chicago Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi insisted that the city needs some reform.



  1. This would be comical if it wasn't co tragic. Where is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? These are your bloods out there killing each other. I declare, have these charlatans become so callous that the only favorable position is when it is white on black? And further, another failed attempt by electing a black openly gay mayor to solve the problem? Now...enter the crickets.

  2. But blacks are doing the shooting in Chicago so the don't want to broadcast that. Want it to appear that only whites do these things.


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