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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Loretta Lynch Calls For More Blood In The Streets To Fight Trump


  1. This Bitch needs to be ARRESTED.

    1. I second the motion. For inciting violence against the American people she needs to be tried as a domestic terrorist.

  2. Fat little troll.

  3. We can only hope that she is the first to hit the streets and bleed

    1. These loudmouths will be coweriing in the basement when the civil war kicks off and trust me ITS COMING.

  4. Can you please elaborate on what rights have been trampled on, you are everything that represents what causes the divisiveness in our country! Go AWAY

  5. sounds like a terrorist threat

    she needs to be locked up for inciting

  6. Word salad. I have no idea what she is talking about. Privilege multimillionaire carrying water for Hillary is all I see.

  7. Time to start charging everyone of these Dems who makes threats against the President. Start with that fake O'Rorke. Threatened the Pres about coming to El Paso. BS The Pres can go where he wants. No 2 bit loser should be able to make public threats.

  8. Desperation is a stinky cologne.
    The Dems are scared shitless! It's like Trump walked into the room, flipped the lights on and, the rats and cockroaches are scattering.

  9. The bigger question is why is Loretta suddenly coming out of the woodwork? Answer, she is about to be caught up in the IG's investigation concerning Hillary and the 2016 election. Those involved are all nervous and doing anything to cause distraction.

  10. She is reading the script Langley wrote for her. She is playing an interesting character in the play. I can’t wait for the climax of this movie.

  11. LET'S see what this RACE BAITING BITCH will say when she gets indicted in September.

  12. How many takes did that take for her to say that with a straight face?

  13. 7:38
    You drank the Kool Ade

    Hillary (who is dead) was a good close friend of Mr Trump. They work for the same elite banking families who run all of the government cronies.

    Wake up and drink some water for a change


  14. She can run her mouth all she wants after conviction and imprisonment. The plot against our Constitution, democracy, country, and winning presidential candidate was hatched and carried out on her watch by her subordinates and under her nose. She and her entire crew should never walk outside of a prison yard again.

  15. eggs thru a rubber hose

  16. She needs to be locked up and charged with FEDERAL CRIME
    TREASON,HATE CRIME,INSITEING A RIOT. Just to name a few.....

  17. Racist piece of SHHHHHT !!!!

  18. OUST her from Congress along with AOC & Fab 4 !!!!!

  19. So the former Attorney General of the United States is inciting violence in the streets, how crazy is that? Not at all by today's standards.

  20. She should already be in Prison from Obama days !!!!!

  21. As a Christian it is hard to say this, but some of these liberals that want Trump shot should be shot! The democrats and actors!

  22. I am Pro-Trump and anti-liberal ,but hear her saying people marched and bled for their beliefs,NOT inducing violence.
    The title is misleading.

  23. They are Pushing their Luck to say the Least !!!
    Just watch TV News every day and you will see Why ???

    Plus, they want to Divide & Conquer America and attack
    the Voters WHO put Trump (Everyone's POTUS) in office !!

    They don't just attack him, they are attacking ALL Americans
    and our Very Country & System !!!

    This week it is RACE , next week something else , on & on !!

  24. its one like this that try to incite violence Yet listen to the news and its Trumps that is inciting the violence. He denounced white supremacy and thats not good enough, The Democrats have been calling for violence on Conservatives and Trump supporters since 2015. It needs to stop. By all means put the blame of who is causing and calling for the violence where it belongs! These anti-Trumpers. The same ones that keep yelling for Impeachment and will do anything to keep Trump for doing his job.

  25. Loretta Lynch is the problem. Right now - I repeat - Right now; the Obama administration holdovers within the current Trump administration espouse and classify the hispanics as being a minority.

    Bull Malarky - I do not believe it nor should any red-blooded American believe this statistic. Fact is - there are currently more hispanics in our Country than native born Americans. So let's get rid of this minority classification of hispanics. They are not a minority - but a MAJORITY!

  26. Will she be on the front lines leading the way? Hell no, she will be cowering in her basement till we come for her.

  27. Are you people insane or deaf? She didn't call for violence. She talking about the protesters that are often assaulted and sometimes killed. What is wrong with your brains?


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