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Sunday, August 11, 2019

KERNS: We Don’t Have A Gun Crisis; We Have A Young, Angry Male Crisis

Since 1982 more than 100 mass shootings have occurred, including the two tragedies in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio over the weekend. These mass shootings happened regardless of whether the president of the United States was Democrat or Republican. In fact, the first high school mass shootings such as those in Columbine, Colorado in 1999 and Paducah, Kentucky in 1997 occurred when Bill Clinton — a Democrat — was president.

Since the political party of the commander in chief doesn’t appear to be a determining factor, it’s worth pointing out that there is one common denominator among the shooters.

Of 113 mass shootings since 1982, data indicates that 110 were perpetrated by males — in particular young, angry males.



  1. where's the dads? there's the problem. if men were real men they would shoulder their responsibilities and teach their son's and daughters how to grow up and succeed in this world. Keeping God first in one's life! We wouldn't have this mess!

  2. Northwest Woodsman: I notice that there is no mention of race in this article. However, even with its best attempts, the FBI can’t erase the fact that most gun crime is committed by an ethnic minority. Sorry if facts slap you in the face but if you are offended, I could care less.

  3. Responsibility vs child subsidy payments. Isn't it about time that young teen girls make a decided decision of whether to grow up naturally, attending school, graduating, going to the prom and further their adult careers. Rather than a quick sexual relationship, they become pregnant, and bounce a baby on their hip at the young ages of their teens. They deserve more, and the thugs that prey on the young and naive girls need to held accountable. It's time to look at the obvious. Children NEED parents - both parents to raise and guide them to maturity, They can't be raised by video games, tv and sugared cereals.

  4. Reinstate the draft into the military. Show some discipline!

  5. It's "couldn't care less". That means you don't care at all. As in "I couldn't care any less than I do now".
    When people say "I could care less", you are showing some care in the matter.

  6. While all of these are concerns for our society, perhaps the bigger issue is mental illness. Boys without fathers are disenfranchised turning to gangs for companionship and mentoring; girls who get pregnant young are seeking attention and security (welfare); inner city kids have no purpose and see no "light at the end of the tunnel". Granted these are social issues but constant despair and seeing how the other half have privilege and opportunity IMO is a form of mental illness. Even affluent kids who are neglected, bullied, deemed to be weirdos or nerds turn to negativity for comfort and solace...mental illness. Retaliation is a form of release and getting even.

    1. 8:06 You👏🏻Nailed👏🏻It👏🏻

  7. Draft should definitely be reinstated. And parents, quit buying the damn video games that all they do all day and night is sit they and find the enemy and kill them. Kill, kill, kill all day and night.

  8. Along with a proliferation of killing weapons available to them.
    DO you really need 250 rounds to kill a deer?

  9. Some probably do. Not exactly sharp shooters.

  10. 8:44
    The 2nd Ammendment is about protecting ourselves from the government.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: You might need 250 rounds if you are untrained and your marksmanship is substandard. Oh, and thanks to 7:21 for their input. You are correct and I appreciate your constructive criticism.

  12. America has a DEMON-CRAT CRISIS !!!!

  13. America has a gun mania crisis

  14. You have a New Revolution in the process !!!!
    Real Americans are NOT giving their country away !!!!

  15. You have a ANGRY VOTER Crisis because when WE
    put a POTUS in office , the Enemys(Demon-crats) FORGET

    WE (the Voters ) put him there !!! Won Fair & Square !!!


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