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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Journalist: Medics Said State Police ‘Forced’ Them To Stop Working On Heather Heyer

In a series of tweets posted last week, journalist Mary Emily O'Hara said medics were "forced" by state police to stop working on Charlottesville counter-protester Heather Heyer. 32-year-old Heyer died from blunt force injury to her chest after a neo-Nazi hit her with his car at the infamous Charlottesville, Virginia, "Unite the Right" rally.

According to O'Hara, the medics believe Heyer could have been saved if they were allowed to proceed with medical attention. The bombshell story, however, was barred from being published by her "former employer," O'Hara said, and she was not allowed to publish it elsewhere. It's unclear whom O'Hara was referring to as her former employer; her work has been featured in outlets including MSNBC, The Daily Dot, NBC News, The Daily Beast, Vice, Rolling Stone, and others.

"The week Heather Heyer died, I had exclusive interviews with medics who said state police forced them to stop working on her after the crash — which they believed led to her death," the journalist posted to Twitter on Monday. "The piece was canceled by my employer at the time, but I'll never forget what those medics told me."



  1. Anybody else's bullshit detector go off on this?

  2. how is it that state police can force a paramedic to stop working on a person?

  3. It also didn't state that the guy who ran her over was CHASED INTO his car by ANTIFA with bats and he feared for his life.

    1. You are one sick pup to worry about that dude.


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