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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein autopsy reveals broken bones in neck, cause of death pending: report

An autopsy on the body of Jeffrey Epstein revealed the convicted sex offender had several broken bones in his neck, including the hyoid bone, according to a report.

The hyoid bone, which is near the Adam’s apple, can be broken in a suicide by hanging -- especially in older people -- but is more common in strangulation murders, The Washington Post reported.

Epstein, 66, was found hanging in his cell in an “apparent suicide” at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City on Saturday where he was being held on sex trafficking charges.




  1. The Clinton Criminal Network strikes again...

  2. I'd like to know what he was found hanging from. I previously read there is nothing in those cells to hang anything from and the ceilings are 9 feet high

  3. He was Murdered. Period!

  4. Leaning into a bed sheet to hang yourself will work. But you die from cutting off blood supply not air. And there would be insufficient force from a soft sheet to break anything.

  5. He is on a beach in Israel

    Wake up folks

  6. The broken bones were twisted breaks. The kind you get when someone murders you!

  7. 1122 is right. Often the bones break post Mortem. He probably wasn’t checked on for a long time.

  8. Have the guards take a lie detector test. Supposedly they were asleep. How convenient

  9. 11:51am they can tell if a break is postmortem or not. So there goes that idea.
    And what makes 11:22am right? All that person wrote was "wrong". You don't even know what they were referring to.

  10. What about the GIRLS that were SLAVES ??? FKK HIM !!!

  11. All rule of that compound were violated. He was left alone after just coming off suicide watch and his cellmate left and the staff stopped making rounds. Sounds like the perfect crime.


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