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Monday, August 12, 2019

If Democratic Thugs Didn’t Kill Epstein, Leftists’ Worldview Certainly Did

Attorney General Bill Barr has called for possibly multiple federal investigations into the death of accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The circumstances surrounding the death of history’s (perhaps) most well known serial sex abuser of children wreak of a coordination and organized hit at worst, or just general stupidity and malfeasance at best. Since he was in the custody of the feds it is appropriate and just for the top federal law enforcement officer to get to the bottom of things.

Hence it is likely the FBI is already investigating, and just in case the bureau might get “Strzoked,” he also formally empowered the Inspector General to open a parallel track inquiry.



  1. Another one added to the Clinton Mafia list, What is this #69?

  2. If it was an inmate that hung him he was a better man that Epstein even they have a justice system where things are weighed as unforgiveable, and raping children is wrong even in their society. I wouldn't spend a dime on this investigation other way justice was served.

  3. Doesn't matter who investigates--We are never going to know the truth !!!!

  4. Clinton THUGS Killed him before he could tell on BILL !!!!!

  5. No justice Epstien needed to live and testify against all the lefties.

  6. Honestly at this point I think most people would believe such things about Bill Clinton without the evidence, but there were so many more people of power and wealth that Epstien could have testified against.

  7. he killed himself, typical child molester, brave enough to rape a little girl but too much of a coward to live out the rest of his life in prison, typical liberal.

  8. Clinton Foundation Left Wing Killed him !!!!

  9. So who is in charge of Federal prisons? Now tell me who is investigating the suicide?


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