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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

How 'Medicare-For-All' Destroys 'Medicare'

The 2013 "Lie of the Year" was Barack Obama's false claim, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."

Millions of Democrats found that out the hard way.

The "Lie of the Year" for 2019 will be, "If you like your Medicare, you can keep it."

Medicare for All doesn’t actually offer Medicare for all. It deprives senior citizens of Medicare.

Medicare is a program available to senior citizens and the disabled. The idea was that you work, pay taxes and those taxes are used to provide for your health care when you retire. You don’t have to use Medicare and there are a variety of managed Medicare plans by providers offering more options.

The first thing that Medicare for All would do is eliminate Medicare, along with all other health plans, and misleadingly use that name to create a government health care system. That’s like announcing an iPhone-for-All government plan that takes away everyone’s iPhones, and replaces them with tin cans that have an Apple logo slapped on them. It’s a massive health care robbery that adds insult to injury.


1 comment:

  1. Leave MY Medicare ALONE !!! & MY other Benefits I Have
    EARNED !!!!


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