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Thursday, August 22, 2019

How a Big Hurricane on Aug. 22, 1933 Created the Ocean City We Know Today

Ocean City dates its history back to 1875, but the resort town we know today really didn’t take shape until Aug. 22, 1933. That’s when a hellacious storm tore a hole through town and altered the course of its future forever. Nobody gave names to storms back then, so this one is generally known only as “The Hurricane of 1933.” It arrived in the midst of one of the wickedest hurricane seasons ever–20 big storms formed in the North Atlantic that year.

The storm made landfall on Tuesday, Aug. 22. But before that, Ocean City had endured four long days of torrential rain. It’s hard to believe one of the newspaper accounts I reviewed, which says that 10 inches of rain fell on Ocean City on each and every one of those four days.

That was just the warm-up act for the Hurricane of 1933, of course. The hurricane itself lasted two days. At the end here, I will provide links to some video shot while it
was raging. Winds and flooding tore up the boardwalk. Streets filled with floodwaters,sweeping cars and trucks up and away with the current. A good number of homes and businesses were washed into the ocean. (Amazingly, I have not seen any reports of fatalities specific to Ocean City, only ones that refer to seven deaths statewide.) 



  1. That thing woke me up out of a drunken stupor.

  2. awesome history Joe

    thank u

  3. Video back in 1933 ... hmmm, boardwalk in 1933 again hmmm.

  4. And how in the hell a fall North Eastern storm Has not wipe OC out is totally mind boggling to me !! So many roll around there every year !

  5. 100 year storm. Tick tock.

  6. No actually GREED created the Ocean City we know today! The storm cut through, and the officials of Ocean City decided to dredge it deeper making the inlet. If we had left it alone Ocean City and Assateague would have reconnected.

  7. This happened back when Hurricanes were real natural weather events.

  8. Wow watch the video of the men hauling the catch in and unloading on the beach prior to 1933, what a lot of work before the inlet was created.

  9. 8:55
    Who are "we" ?

    Perhaps you meant to type: They . . .

  10. 9:58
    What on earth do you mean by that comment?
    Real natural weather events?

  11. 10 " of rain Each Day for Four Days!
    And "They " are saying the rainfalls in
    Salisbury for the past 3 years. causing
    flooding in areas , are not normal .
    Is this an excuse for not having the proper
    size drainage systems in place? Guess
    they'd better " go back in history" , huh!


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