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Sunday, August 04, 2019

George Soros Sets Up 2020 Super PAC

Leftwing mega-donor George Soros is reportedly launching a super PAC as his spending hub for the 2020 presidential election.

Paperwork filed with Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Wednesday shows Soros has already funneled $5.1 million into the PAC — the single largest amount from any mega-donor in the 2020 cycle and more than double the $2.1 million he spent in the 2016 race, Politico notes. The publication states the mega-donor’s son, Alex Soros, who has previously supported rising progressive stars like Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum, may also give money to the PAC.

“He has, unlike Tom Steyer or [Michael] Bloomberg, funded things like Senate Majority PAC and Priorities USA and EMILY’s List and Planned Parenthood and expects to continue to do so,” an unnamed source told Politico.



  1. Look at the 2016 election. HILLARY spent almost 3 times a much AND LOST.

  2. This guy needs to be HUNG.

  3. How is this legal ?

  4. Here we go, Soros! Did you see? We knew, yes, yes. For an eternity, "they" (you know who)! Pacified the ''populace"" with gladiators, games, (NFL?) And the opiates of the masses. Distracted we were. Our Greatest Leader, yes, Mr President Donald ""J"" Trump, showed them (Swamp( )NWO globalist demons) to the World! We said NO! The United Kingdom said NO! The Hunagary people and Pollish said NO! The hallway must be dusted, yes! Time for the globulists to be outed (Merkle, Pelosi- malfunctioning again?, Clinton- Uranium One?) They are the evil empire (Reagan, yes ! He saw the truth!) We must say no !!!

  5. The sith lord up to no good, again !

  6. This is the dude that Congress and FBI should be going after for influencing elections

    Danger to the U.S.

  7. PACs can do whatever they want, with as much money as they want. It even works locally.

    1. Ask Correct (AOC) what the feds think of her and her CofS misunderstanding campaign funds. Splitting campaign funds into LLCs so they wouldn't have to report the amount donated and what the monies where used for. Campaigns only have to report contributions of a set dollar amount. If you split the donation and put into a private account you don't have to report it - FRAUD. Do you think that's how other politicians make their millions while in office. Loopholes.

  8. PACs need to END on BOTH SIDES.

  9. This what is called interfering / fixing elections. Right Democrats, Pelosi, Cummings, Nadler and Schiff?

  10. You can thank this kind of funding criminality all due to our rhino friend traitorous McCain This man should be arrested for sedition and subversion of the United States government seal team six should be dispatched immediately to extradite him and bring him to trial in the United States. He is an evil Communist pig who must be stopped. a tyrant globalist luciferian high priest.

  11. Is that baggy eyed old bastard still at it? Why doesn't someone put him out of his misery (and mine)?

  12. Soros is proof corruption abounds in DC.

  13. Soro is a Nazi supporter with cold blood mass murder of the worst kind of animal.

  14. His sons are the real POS.


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