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Monday, August 12, 2019

EXCLUSIVE: 3-Time Deported Migrant Arrested in Houston Homicide Case

Police in Navasota, Texas, reportedly arrested a previously deported illegal immigrant on charges connected to a Houston homicide case. Immigration officials deported the Mexican national on at least three separate occasions.

Editor’s Note: Both the ATF (BATFE) and ICE issued corrections on this matter after they mistakenly identified recent freeway shootings as the crimes allegedly committed by this individual rather than the alleged crime described in this article. This article has been updated to reflect their corrections to their official statements.

The Navasota Police Department and special agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) arrested Erick Diaz-Aranda, a 29-year-old Mexican national on Friday night, federal officials told Breitbart Texas on Saturday. The arrest is reportedly in connection with a homicide that occurred in Houston.

Details about the homicide are not yet available from Houston Police Department officials.



  1. Build the wall, deport them all! These POS dont need to be in our country, today, tomorrow, or EVER!

  2. How do these people that are deported numerous times keep getting back in the country? Oh yeah, they walk across our border....hmmmm. Maybe we should build a fence there? Hey, that's a great idea!!! See, it's not that hard to figure out!!

  3. Please release him just one more time


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